With X-Ray, view IMDb data about the actors, songs, and trivia related to videos as you watch.
With Prime Video Channels, Prime members can subscribe to more than 150 premium and specialty channels like HBO, SHOWTIME, STARZ, and Cinemax. Only pay for the channels you want, no cable required, cancel anytime (not available in all countries/regions).
Buy or rent videos from more than 100,000 titles, including new release movies and current TV shows (not available in all countries/regions).
Stream and download popular movies and TV shows including Amazon exclusives like The Grand Tour, The Man in the High Castle, and Emmy award winner Tumble Leaf.
View IMDB data about the actors, songs and trivia related to your videos during playback with X-Ray.
Stream the first episode of select TV shows for free. First Episode Free videos include advertising before and during your videos.
Download movies and TV shows over Wi-Fi or cellular to watch anywhere, anytime.
Customers in India can enjoy hundreds of top Bollywood and regional Indian hits like Sultan, Baar Baar Dekho, Kabali, Dhoom series and more!
View IMDB data about the actors, songs and trivia related to your videos during playback with X-Ray.
Stream the first episode of select TV shows for free. First Episode Free videos include advertising before and during your videos.
Prime members can sign-up for and stream videos from channel subscriptions including HBO, SHOWTIME, STARZ, and dozens more.
HDR streaming
Premium audio
Individual user profiles
Exclusive Paramount+ Original Series
Downloadable content (Premium subscribers only)
Live TV streaming
Continuous play
In-app purchases